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Projects are special buildings that are started by villages. They are started and upgraded over time. Like Natural Sources, projects also have Symbioses, called Specializations. Compared to Symbioses of Natural Sources, Projects have random Specializations. Due to this randomness, a single game of Reus is never the same and you as a player will have to adapt to what the villagers request. Finishing a project generates an Ambassador.

Another notable difference between Specializations and Symbioses is that Specializations can also have very negative consequences. For instance the Child Labor Specialization of the School project provides a large bonus on Wealth Wealth and Technology Technology but also introduces negative Awe Awe, which will make the village become greedy much faster.

List of projects

Name Level Biomes Completion Requirements Upgrades into
GRANARY.png Granary 1 Forest, Swamp, Desert 30 Food in use. Mill, Plantation
SHRINE.png Shrine 1 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 15 Food in use.

15 Wealth in use.

Temple, Sacrifice Altar
SCHOOL.png School 1 Forest, Swamp 15 Food in use.

15 Technology in use.

University, Barracks
TRADER.png Tradepost 1 Forest, Swamp, Desert 30 Wealth in use. Market, Customs House
HERMIT.png Druid 1 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 30 Technology in use. Alchemist, Mad Scientist
TOOLSHOP.png Toolshop 1 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 15 Wealth in use.

15 Technology in use.

Workshop, Geologist
DOCKS.png Fishing Docks 1 Ocean 20 Food in use.

10 Wealth in use.

MOUNTAIN-LODGE-icon.png Mountain Lodge 1 Mountain 10 Food in use.

20 Wealth in use.

10 Technology in use.

15 Natura in borders.

Nature Park, Tavern
MILL.png Mill 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 100 Food in use.

40 Technology in use.

PLANTATION.png Plantation 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 125 Food in use.

Village is in the Forest.

At least 4 plants in Range.

ALCHEMIST.png Alchemist 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 120 Technology in use.
MADSCIENTIST.png Mad Scientist 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 80 Technology in use.

40 Wealth in use.

Destroy the weakest neighbor.

MARKET01.png Market 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 120 Wealth in use.

At least one neighbor with 20 Wealth in use.

GUILDHALL DESERT.png Customs House 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 40 Food in use.

100 Wealth in use.

The village has more Wealth Wealth in use that its neighbors.

FACTORY.png Workshop 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 25 Food in use.

70 Wealth in use.

70 Technology in use.

GEOLIST.png Geologist 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 65 Wealth in use.

75 Technology in use.

Village has a least 3 patches of Mountain in Range.

At least 3 Mines in Range.

UNIVERSITY.png University 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 60 Food in use.

20 Wealth in use.

60 Technology in use.

BARRACKS.png Barracks 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert 80 Food in use.

40 Technology in use.

Village has at least 1 War Mark.

TEMPLE.png Temple 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 70 Food in use.

70 Wealth in use.

SACRIFISIALTEMPLE.png Sacrifice Altar 2 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 70 Food in use.

40 Wealth in use.

Destroy the closest village.

HARBOR.png Harbor 2 Ocean 90 Food in use.

50 Wealth in use.

NATURE-PARK-icon.png Nature Park 2 Mountain 75 Food in use.

30 Wealth in use.

75 Technology in use.

50 Natura in borders.

TAVERN-icon.png Tavern 2 Mountain 75 Food in use.

75 Wealth in use.

There are at least 4 other villages.

HAMLET.png Hamlet 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert 300 Food in use.

60 Wealth in use.

60 Technology in use.

Castle, Canal Town
BANK.png Bank 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 75 Food in use.

300 Wealth in use.

75 Technology in use.

The Village has the most Wealth Wealth of all Villages.

OBSERVATORY.png Observatory 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 50 Food in use.

75 Wealth in use.

300 Technology in use.

CIRCUS.png Circus 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 200 Food in use.

200 Wealth in use.

At least 5 Animals in Range.

BLASTFURNACE.png Blast Furnace 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 50 Food in use.

175 Wealth in use.

175 Technology in use.

At least 5 Mines in Range.

APOTHECARY.png Apothecary 3 Forest, Swamp, Desert 200 Food in use.

50 Wealth in use.

200 Technology in use.

At least 3 Plants in Range.

LIGHTHOUSE.png Lighthouse 3 Ocean 300 Food in use.

200 Wealth in use.

50 Technology in use.

All neighbors of the Village have more than 100 Wealth in use.

All neighbors of the Village have more than 100 Food in use.

Island Town
HISTORIC-POINT-icon.png Historic Point 3 Mountain 200 Food in use.

100 Wealth in use.

100 Technology in use.

Village has at least 2 War Marks.

Destroy the closest village.

CASTLE.png Castle 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 1250 Food in use.

300 Wealth in use.

100 Technology in use.

MULTINATIONAL.png Multinational 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert 200 Food in use.

1250 Wealth in use.

200 Technology in use.

Has more Wealth Wealth than All other villages.

At least 3 villages has more than 100 Wealth.

LABORATORY.png Laboratory 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 200 Food in use.

200 Wealth in use.

1250 Technology in use.

At least 2 Plants in Range.

At least 2 Animals in Range.

At least 2 Mines in Range.

OPERA.png Opera 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 850 Food in use.

850 Wealth in use.

The Village has more Food Food in use than at least one of its neighbors.

There are at least 4 other villages.

FACTORY.png Factory 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 250 Food in use.

750 Wealth in use. 750 Technology in use.

At least 4 Mines in Range.

HOSPITAL.png Hospital 4 Forest, Swamp, Desert, Mountain 750 Food in use.

200 Wealth in use. 750 Technology in use. 150 Awe

At least 8 Plants in Range.

ISLAND TOWN.png Island Town 4 Ocean 800 Food in use.

400 Wealth in use. 150 Technology in use.

All neighbors of the Village have at least 150 Food in use.

All neighbors of the Village have at least 150 Wealth in use.

MONUMENT-icon.gif Monument 4 Mountain 900 Food in use.

300 Wealth in use. 300 Technology in use.

Has more Food Food in use than neighboring villages.

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