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Translationproject german.png This user is a voluntary translator. He helps to translate Reus into GERMAN.


Meine (derzeit) verwendeten Begriffe. Bin offen für bessere Vorschläge. (Die Liste verwende ich hauptsächlich zum automatischen Ersetzen, daher die Formatierung und die, sich z.T. ähnelnden Einträge.)

["Achievements" "Erfolge"]
["Advanced Mineral" "Erweitertes Mineral"]
["Agate" "Achat"]
["Agave" "Agave"]
["Alchemist" "Alchemist"]
["Aloe Vera" "Aloe Vera"]
["Aluminium" "Aluminium"]
["Ambassador" "Botschafter"]
["Anglerfish" "Seeteufel"]
["Animal" "Tier"]
["Animals" "Tier"]
["Animal Nest" "Tier"]
["Animal" "Tier"]
["Animals" "Tiere"]
["Apothecary" "Apotheke"]
["Apple Tree" "Apfelbaum"]
["Armadillo" "Gürteltier"]
["Aspects" "Aspekt"]
["Aurora" "Aurora"]
["Awe" "Ehrfurcht"]
["Bank" "Bank"]
["Barracks" "Kaserne"]
["Barrel Cactus" "Kugelkaktus"]
["Bear" "Bär"]
["Beaver" "Bieber"]
["Bighorn" "Dickhornschaf"]
["Biomes" "Landschaften"]
["Bioms" "Landschaft"]
["Blast Furnace" "Hochofen"]
["Blue Whale" "Blauwal"]
["Blueberry" "Blaubeere"]
["Blueberries" "Blaubeeren"]
["Boar" "Wildschwein"]
["Bobcat" "Rotluchs"]
["Buffalo" "Büffel"]
["Cacao Tree" "Kakaobaum"]
["Großer Kaktus" "Elefantenkaktus"]
["Cardon Cactus" "Elefantenkaktus"]
["Castle" "Burg"]
["Cherry Tree" "Kirschbaum"]
["Chicken" "Huhn"]
["Chili Pfeffer" "Chilischote"]
["Chili Pepper" "Chilischote"]
["Cinnamomum" "Zimtbaum"]
["Cinnamomum" "Zimtbaum"]
["Circus" "Zirkus"]
["Clownfish" "Clownfisch"]
["Coal" "Kohle"]
["Coffea" "Kaffee"]
["Copper" "Kupfer"]
["Coyote" "Kojote"]
["Crocodile" "Krokodil"]
["Crystal Aspect" "Kristall-Aspekt"]
["Crystal" "Kristall-Aspekt"]
["Customs House" "Zollhaus"]
["Dandelion" "Löwenzahn"]
["Danger" "Gefahr"]
["Date Palm" "Dattelpalme"]
["Deer" "Hirsch"]
["Desert Lime" "Wüstenlimette"]
["Desert Tortoise" "Wüstenschildkröte"]
["Desert" "Wüste"]
["Diamond" "Diamant"]
["Domestic Animals" "Domestizierte Tiere"]
["Dragonfruit" "Drachenfrucht"]
["Druid" "Druide"]
["Earthquake" "Erdbeben"]
["Elderberry" "Holunderbeere"]
["Exotic Animals" "Exotische Tiere"]
["Exotic Aspect" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Exotic" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Exotic" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Factory" "Fabrik"]
["Fertility Boost" "Fruchtbarkeitsbeschleunigung"]
["Fishing Docks" "Fischerhafen"]
["Fluorite" "Fluorit"]
["Food" "Nahrung"]
["Forest Giant" "Waldgigant"]
["Forest" "Wald"]
["Fox" "Fuchs"]
["Foxglove" "Fingerhut"]
["Frog" "Frosch"]
["Fruit Aspect" "Frucht-Aspekt"]
["Fruit Plant" "Fruchtpflanze"]
["Fruit" "Frucht-Aspekt"]
["Geologist" "Geologe"]
["Giant" "Gigant"]
["Giants" "Giganten"]
["Gila Monster" "Gila-Krustenechse"]
["Ginger" "Ingwer"]
["Ginkgo" "Ginkgo"]
["Goat" "Ziege"]
["Gold" "Gold"]
["Granary" "Kornspeicher"]
["Greed" "Gier"]
["Grey Fox" "Graufuchs"]
["Growth Aspect" "Wachstums-Aspekt"]
["Growth" "Wachstums-Aspekt"]
["Hamlet" "Weiler"]
["Harbor" "Hafen"]
["Hemp" "Hanf"]
["Herb" "Kraut"]
["Herd Aspect" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Herd" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Herd" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Historic Point" "Historische Stätte"]
["Hospital" "Krankenhaus"]
["Hunt Aspect" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Hunt" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Hunt" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Iguana" "Leguan"]
["Iron" "Eisen"]
["Island Town" "Inselstadt"]
["Javelina" "Nabelschwein"]
["Kangaroo Rat" "Kängururatte"]
["Kiwifruit" "Kiwi"]
["Komodo Dragon" "Komodowaran"]
["Kumquat" "Kumquat"]
["Laboratory" "Laboratorium"]
["Langur Monkey" "Langur"]
["Leaf Aspect" "Blatt-Aspekt"]
["Leaf" "Blatt-Aspekt"]
["Lighthouse" "Leuchtturm"]
["Lychee" "Litschi"]
["Mackerel" "Makrele"]
["Mad Scientist" "Verrückter Wissenschaftler"]
["Marble" "Marmor"]
["Market" "Markt"]
["Marlin" "Speerfisch"]
["Marsh Mallow" "Echter Eibisch"]
["Marten" "Marder"]
["Migrate" "Migrieren"]
["Mill" "Mühle"]
["Mineral" "Mineral"]
["Minerals" "Minerale"]
["Minerals" "Minerale"]
["Mines" "Minerale"]
["Monal" "Glanzfasan"]
["Monsoon" "Monsun"]
["Monument" "Monument"]
["Moose" "Elch"]
["Mountain Lodge" "Berghütte"]
["Mountain" "Berg"]
["Muck Bomb" "Dreckbombe"]
["Multinational" "Konzern"]
["Musk Deer" "Moschushirsch"]
["Natura" "Fruchtbar/Fruchtbarkeit/Natur"]
["Natural Sources" "natürliche Ressourcen"]
["natürliche Resourcen" "natürliche Ressourcen"]
["Nature Park" "Naturpark"]
["Nightshade" "Tollkirsche"]
["Noble Aspect" "Veredelungs-Aspekt"]
["Noble" "Veredelungs-Aspekt"]
["Observatory" "Sternwarte"]
["Ocean Giant" "Ozeangigant"]
["Ocean" "Ozean"]
["Oil" "Öl"]
["Onyx" "Onyx"]
["Opera" "Opernhaus"]
["Opium Poppy" "Schlafmohn"]
["Orange Tree" "Orangenbaum"]
["Orangutan" "Orang-Utan"]
["Otter" "Otter"]
["Panda" "Panda"]
["Pangolin" "Schuppentier"]
["Papaya" "Papaya"]
["Parrotfish" "Papageifisch"]
["Pear Tree" "Birnenbaum"]
["Peppermint" "Pfefferminze"]
["Phosphorus" "Phosphor"]
["Pineapple" "Ananas"]
["Plant" "Pflanze"]
["Plantation" "Plantage"]
["Plants" "Pflanze"]
["Plant" "Pflanze"]
["Plants" "Pflanzen"]
["Plants" "Pflanzen"]
["Platinum" "Platin"]
["Plum Tree" "Pflaumenbaum"]
["Poison Dart Frog" "Pfeilgiftfrosch"]
["Precious Minerals" "Kostbare Minerale"]
["Feind-Aspekt" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator Aspect" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Feinde" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Projects" "Projekt"]
["Prosperity" "Wohlstand"]
["Quartz" "Quarz"]
["Rabbit" "Kaninchen"]
["Range" "Tier-Radius"]
["Rattlesnake" "Klapperschlange"]
["Reaction Aspect" "Einwirkungs-Aspekt"]
["Reaction" "Einwirkungs-Aspekt"]
["Rock Giant" "Berggigant"]
["Rubber Tree" "Kautschukbaum"]
["Ruby" "Rubin"]
["Sacrifice Altar" "Opferstätte"]
["Salt" "Salz"]
["School" "Schule"]
["Seabass" "Zackenbarsch"]
["Seismic Aspect" "Seismisch-Aspekt"]
["Seismic" "Seismisch-Aspekt"]
["Shrine" "Schrein"]
["Silver" "Silber"]
["Snow Leopard" "Schneeleopard"]
["Specializations" "Spezialisierung"]
["Stoat" "Hermelin"]
["Stone" "Stein"]
["Strawberry" "Erdbeere"]
["Sunflower" "Sonnenblume"]
["Swamp Giant" "Sumpfgigant"]
["Swamp" "Sumpf"]
["Symbioses" "Symbiosen"]
["Symbiosis" "Symbiosen"]
["Tapir" "Tapir"]
["Tavern" "Gasthaus"]
["Tea Plant" "Teepflanze"]
["Technology" "Technologie"]
["Temple" "Tempel"]
["Tomato" "Tomate"]
["Toolshop" "Werkzeugmacherei"]
["Topaz" "Topas"]
["Toxic Aspect" "Toxik-Aspekt"]
["Toxic" "Toxik-Aspekt"]
["Tradepost" "Handelsplatz"]
["Tuna" "Thunfisch"]
["UI recap" "UI Zusammenfassung"]
["University" "Universität"]
["Uranium" "Uran"]
["Village" "Dorf"]
["War Marks" "Kriegsdenkmal"]
["Wealth" "Reichtum"]
["White Shark" "Weißer Hai"]
["White Willow" "Silber-Weide"]
["Wisent" "Bison"]
["Withered Shrub" "vertrockneter Strauch"]
["Wolf" "Wolf"]
["Workshop" "Werkstatt"]
["Yak" "Yak"]
["Zinc" "Zink"]
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