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Latest revision as of 20:03, 16 August 2013

Translationproject german.png This user is a voluntary translator. He helps to translate Reus into GERMAN.

[edit] Begriffsliste

Meine (derzeit) verwendeten Begriffe. Bin offen für bessere Vorschläge. (Die Liste verwende ich hauptsächlich zum automatischen Ersetzen, daher die Formatierung und die, sich z.T. ähnelnden Einträge.)

["Achievements" "Erfolge"]
["Advanced Mineral" "Erweitertes Mineral"]
["Agate" "Achat"]
["Agave" "Agave"]
["Alchemist" "Alchemist"]
["Aloe Vera" "Aloe Vera"]
["Aluminium" "Aluminium"]
["Ambassador" "Botschafter"]
["Anglerfish" "Seeteufel"]
["Animal" "Tier"]
["Animals" "Tier"]
["Animal Nest" "Tier"]
["Animal" "Tier"]
["Animals" "Tiere"]
["Apothecary" "Apotheke"]
["Apple Tree" "Apfelbaum"]
["Armadillo" "Gürteltier"]
["Aspects" "Aspekt"]
["Aurora" "Aurora"]
["Awe" "Ehrfurcht"]
["Bank" "Bank"]
["Barracks" "Kaserne"]
["Barrel Cactus" "Kugelkaktus"]
["Bear" "Bär"]
["Beaver" "Bieber"]
["Bighorn" "Dickhornschaf"]
["Biomes" "Landschaften"]
["Bioms" "Landschaft"]
["Blast Furnace" "Hochofen"]
["Blue Whale" "Blauwal"]
["Blueberry" "Blaubeere"]
["Blueberries" "Blaubeeren"]
["Boar" "Wildschwein"]
["Bobcat" "Rotluchs"]
["Buffalo" "Büffel"]
["Cacao Tree" "Kakaobaum"]
["Großer Kaktus" "Elefantenkaktus"]
["Cardon Cactus" "Elefantenkaktus"]
["Castle" "Burg"]
["Cherry Tree" "Kirschbaum"]
["Chicken" "Huhn"]
["Chili Pfeffer" "Chilischote"]
["Chili Pepper" "Chilischote"]
["Cinnamomum" "Zimtbaum"]
["Cinnamomum" "Zimtbaum"]
["Circus" "Zirkus"]
["Clownfish" "Clownfisch"]
["Coal" "Kohle"]
["Coffea" "Kaffee"]
["Copper" "Kupfer"]
["Coyote" "Kojote"]
["Crocodile" "Krokodil"]
["Crystal Aspect" "Kristall-Aspekt"]
["Crystal" "Kristall-Aspekt"]
["Customs House" "Zollhaus"]
["Dandelion" "Löwenzahn"]
["Danger" "Gefahr"]
["Date Palm" "Dattelpalme"]
["Deer" "Hirsch"]
["Desert Lime" "Wüstenlimette"]
["Desert Tortoise" "Wüstenschildkröte"]
["Desert" "Wüste"]
["Diamond" "Diamant"]
["Domestic Animals" "Domestizierte Tiere"]
["Dragonfruit" "Drachenfrucht"]
["Druid" "Druide"]
["Earthquake" "Erdbeben"]
["Elderberry" "Holunderbeere"]
["Exotic Animals" "Exotische Tiere"]
["Exotic Aspect" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Exotic" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Exotic" "Exotik-Aspekt"]
["Factory" "Fabrik"]
["Fertility Boost" "Fruchtbarkeitsbeschleunigung"]
["Fishing Docks" "Fischerhafen"]
["Fluorite" "Fluorit"]
["Food" "Nahrung"]
["Forest Giant" "Waldgigant"]
["Forest" "Wald"]
["Fox" "Fuchs"]
["Foxglove" "Fingerhut"]
["Frog" "Frosch"]
["Fruit Aspect" "Frucht-Aspekt"]
["Fruit Plant" "Fruchtpflanze"]
["Fruit" "Frucht-Aspekt"]
["Geologist" "Geologe"]
["Giant" "Gigant"]
["Giants" "Giganten"]
["Gila Monster" "Gila-Krustenechse"]
["Ginger" "Ingwer"]
["Ginkgo" "Ginkgo"]
["Goat" "Ziege"]
["Gold" "Gold"]
["Granary" "Kornspeicher"]
["Greed" "Gier"]
["Grey Fox" "Graufuchs"]
["Growth Aspect" "Wachstums-Aspekt"]
["Growth" "Wachstums-Aspekt"]
["Hamlet" "Weiler"]
["Harbor" "Hafen"]
["Hemp" "Hanf"]
["Herb" "Kraut"]
["Herd Aspect" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Herd" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Herd" "Herden-Aspekt"]
["Historic Point" "Historische Stätte"]
["Hospital" "Krankenhaus"]
["Hunt Aspect" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Hunt" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Hunt" "Jagd-Aspekt"]
["Iguana" "Leguan"]
["Iron" "Eisen"]
["Island Town" "Inselstadt"]
["Javelina" "Nabelschwein"]
["Kangaroo Rat" "Kängururatte"]
["Kiwifruit" "Kiwi"]
["Komodo Dragon" "Komodowaran"]
["Kumquat" "Kumquat"]
["Laboratory" "Laboratorium"]
["Langur Monkey" "Langur"]
["Leaf Aspect" "Blatt-Aspekt"]
["Leaf" "Blatt-Aspekt"]
["Lighthouse" "Leuchtturm"]
["Lychee" "Litschi"]
["Mackerel" "Makrele"]
["Mad Scientist" "Verrückter Wissenschaftler"]
["Marble" "Marmor"]
["Market" "Markt"]
["Marlin" "Speerfisch"]
["Marsh Mallow" "Echter Eibisch"]
["Marten" "Marder"]
["Migrate" "Migrieren"]
["Mill" "Mühle"]
["Mineral" "Mineral"]
["Minerals" "Minerale"]
["Minerals" "Minerale"]
["Mines" "Minerale"]
["Monal" "Glanzfasan"]
["Monsoon" "Monsun"]
["Monument" "Monument"]
["Moose" "Elch"]
["Mountain Lodge" "Berghütte"]
["Mountain" "Berg"]
["Muck Bomb" "Dreckbombe"]
["Multinational" "Konzern"]
["Musk Deer" "Moschushirsch"]
["Natura" "Fruchtbar/Fruchtbarkeit/Natur"]
["Natural Sources" "natürliche Ressourcen"]
["natürliche Resourcen" "natürliche Ressourcen"]
["Nature Park" "Naturpark"]
["Nightshade" "Tollkirsche"]
["Noble Aspect" "Veredelungs-Aspekt"]
["Noble" "Veredelungs-Aspekt"]
["Observatory" "Sternwarte"]
["Ocean Giant" "Ozeangigant"]
["Ocean" "Ozean"]
["Oil" "Öl"]
["Onyx" "Onyx"]
["Opera" "Opernhaus"]
["Opium Poppy" "Schlafmohn"]
["Orange Tree" "Orangenbaum"]
["Orangutan" "Orang-Utan"]
["Otter" "Otter"]
["Panda" "Panda"]
["Pangolin" "Schuppentier"]
["Papaya" "Papaya"]
["Parrotfish" "Papageifisch"]
["Pear Tree" "Birnenbaum"]
["Peppermint" "Pfefferminze"]
["Phosphorus" "Phosphor"]
["Pineapple" "Ananas"]
["Plant" "Pflanze"]
["Plantation" "Plantage"]
["Plants" "Pflanze"]
["Plant" "Pflanze"]
["Plants" "Pflanzen"]
["Plants" "Pflanzen"]
["Platinum" "Platin"]
["Plum Tree" "Pflaumenbaum"]
["Poison Dart Frog" "Pfeilgiftfrosch"]
["Precious Minerals" "Kostbare Minerale"]
["Feind-Aspekt" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator Aspect" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Feinde" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Predator" "Raub-Aspekt"]
["Projects" "Projekt"]
["Prosperity" "Wohlstand"]
["Quartz" "Quarz"]
["Rabbit" "Kaninchen"]
["Range" "Tier-Radius"]
["Rattlesnake" "Klapperschlange"]
["Reaction Aspect" "Einwirkungs-Aspekt"]
["Reaction" "Einwirkungs-Aspekt"]
["Rock Giant" "Berggigant"]
["Rubber Tree" "Kautschukbaum"]
["Ruby" "Rubin"]
["Sacrifice Altar" "Opferstätte"]
["Salt" "Salz"]
["School" "Schule"]
["Seabass" "Zackenbarsch"]
["Seismic Aspect" "Seismisch-Aspekt"]
["Seismic" "Seismisch-Aspekt"]
["Shrine" "Schrein"]
["Silver" "Silber"]
["Snow Leopard" "Schneeleopard"]
["Specializations" "Spezialisierung"]
["Stoat" "Hermelin"]
["Stone" "Stein"]
["Strawberry" "Erdbeere"]
["Sunflower" "Sonnenblume"]
["Swamp Giant" "Sumpfgigant"]
["Swamp" "Sumpf"]
["Symbioses" "Symbiosen"]
["Symbiosis" "Symbiosen"]
["Tapir" "Tapir"]
["Tavern" "Gasthaus"]
["Tea Plant" "Teepflanze"]
["Technology" "Technologie"]
["Temple" "Tempel"]
["Tomato" "Tomate"]
["Toolshop" "Werkzeugmacherei"]
["Topaz" "Topas"]
["Toxic Aspect" "Toxik-Aspekt"]
["Toxic" "Toxik-Aspekt"]
["Tradepost" "Handelsplatz"]
["Tuna" "Thunfisch"]
["UI recap" "UI Zusammenfassung"]
["University" "Universität"]
["Uranium" "Uran"]
["Village" "Dorf"]
["War Marks" "Kriegsdenkmal"]
["Wealth" "Reichtum"]
["White Shark" "Weißer Hai"]
["White Willow" "Silber-Weide"]
["Wisent" "Bison"]
["Withered Shrub" "vertrockneter Strauch"]
["Wolf" "Wolf"]
["Workshop" "Werkstatt"]
["Yak" "Yak"]
["Zinc" "Zink"]
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