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Latest revision as of 02:21, 14 May 2014

level 2
Duration 15 min
Biomes Mountain
Completion Requirements
Food 75 Food in use
Wealth 75 Wealth in use
Misc 1 There are at least 4 other villages


The village is making a Tavern to welcome people from all over the world!

[edit] Specializations

Name Description Chance
The Three Pheasants +25 Food and +25 Wealth for each Monal, Musk Deer, Snow Leopard, Boar, or Marlin within borders. Stacks up to 4 times.
World Inn +15 Food and +15 Wealth for each village.
Sleeping Lumberjack +25 Food and +25 Wealth for each Cinnamomum, Lychee, Ginkgo, Cherry Tree, or Date Palm within borders. Stacks up to 4 times.
Ranger's Hut +15 Wealth for each Monal and Musk Deer within borders. +15 Food for each Marten and Pangolin within borders.

Both effects stack up to 2 times.

Miner Union Each mineral on the planet gains +5 Awe. +15 Wealth and +15 Food for each Mineral within borders. Second effect stacks up to 4 times.
Master Hunter Every animal on the planet which has at least 2 Danger, gains +2 Wealth.
Master Lumberjack Every plant on the planet which has at least 10 Natura, gains +10 Wealth.

[edit] Special Note

As of the Mountain patch (, there is a bug which prevents the final requirement from being completed, even with 5+ villages in the world. Saving and re-loading the game will trigger the Tavern completion.

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